Sunday, September 25, 2011

Youtube Script

FADE IN                                                          
          INT. POLICE STATION OFFICE DAY                                   
          ALLEN GAMBLE sits at his desk and types on his computer.         
          As he is typing, TERRY HOITZ enters the room.                    
                              TERRY HOITZ                                  
                    Do you know what I just did?                           
          Allen Gamble stops typing                                        
                              TERRY HOITZ                                  
                    I just walked out that door, saw a                     
                    couple detectives, and I was about                     
                    to start bad mouthing you behind                       
                    your back, but i stopped myslef                        
                    because my pops taught me that a                       
                    man that talks behind somebodys                        
                    back, is a coward.                                     
                              ALLEN GAMBLE                                 
                    Wow, i actually appreciate that                        
                              TERRY HOITZ                                  
                    Good, because im going to tell you                     
                    directly to your face.                                 
                              ALLEN GAMBLE                                 
                         No, you don’t have too                            
                              TERRY HOITZ                                  
                    I don’t like you.  I think you’re a                    
                    fake cop.  The sound of your piss                      
                    hitting the urinal, it sounds                          
                              ALLEN GAMBLE                                 
                              TERRY HOITZ                                  
                    If we were in the wild,i would                         
                    attack you.  Even if you wern’t in                     
                    my food chain, i would go out of my                    
                    way to attack you.  If i were a                        
                    lion and you were a tuna, i would                      
                    swin out to the middle of the ocean                    
                    and i would freaking eat you!  And                     
                    then i’d bang your tuna girlfriend.                    
ALLEN GAMBLE                                 
                    Ok, first off, a lion?  Swimming in                    
                    the ocean?  Lions don’t like                           
                    water.  If you’d placed it near a                      
                    river or some fresh water source,                      
                    that would make sense.  But you                        
                    find yourself in the ocean, 20 foot                    
                    wave, i’m assuming it’s off the                        
                    coast of South Africa, coming up                       
                    against a full grown 800 pound                         
                    tuna, with his twenty or thirty                        
                    friends?  You lose that                                
                    battle.  You lose that battle nine                     
                    times out of ten.  And guess                           
                    what?  You’ve wandered into our                        
                    school of tuna, and we now have a                      
                    taste of lion.  We’ve talked to                        
                    ourselves.  we’ve communicated.                        
                              TERRY HOITZ                                  
                              ALLEN GAMBLE                                 
                      And said, you know what, lion                        
                    tastes good!  Lets go get some more                    
                    lion.  We’ve developed a system, to                    
                    establish a beach head, and                            
                    aggressivly hunt you and your                          
                    family.  And we will corner your,                      
                    your pride, your childeren, your                       
                              TERRY HOITZ                                  
                    How you gonna do that?                                 
                              ALLEN GAMBLE                                 
                    We will construct a series of                          
                    breathing aparatus with kelp.  We                      
                    will be able to trap certain                           
                    amounts of oxygen.  It’s not going                     
                    to be days at a time.  An hour,                        
                    hour fourty five, no problem.  That                    
                    will give us enough time to figure                     
                    out where you live, go back to the                     
                    sea, get more oxygen, and then                         
                    stalk you.  You just lost at your                      
                    own game, you are outgunned and                        
          Awkward pause                                                    
          Allen Gamble resumes typing                                      
ALLEN GAMBLE                                 
                    Did that go the way you thought it                     
                    was gonna go?                                          
          Allen shakes head                                                
          Terry dumps hot coffee on Allen.                                 
          Allen screams as Terry exits the room.                           
          FADE OUT                                                         

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Finding your howl

A group of wolves who had been held in captivity are finally released into the wild.  The wolves are happy to get out of there caged environment.  But they realize one thing.  They have forgotten how to Howl.  The wolves are living in fear because none of them can howl and claim dominance and become the leader.  Throughout the story one of the wolves meets different characters and is actually killed.  Then he wakes up and realizes it was a dream, and realizes he is howling and that he knew how to howl the whole time.  He then becomes leader of the pack and the wolves no longer live in fear.  Flaum was making the point that we have to pay a price, do things we are not comfortable with, and almost risk it all to find our voice.
A meaningful quote I know was told to me by a news cameraman I can across while on vacation.  He said when doing videos you need to “Imitate the Eye”.  By this he means you need to use the camera as if it were someone’s eye, show the things people would naturally want to look at.  Doing this makes your videos much better, because it is easier to watch, because it is imitating how you would naturally see the world.  This quote pertains mostly to doing news reports.  When you are getting footage on a news story, you need to be sure to shoot the things people would want to see.  For example, you wouldn’t sit on a shot of a gun before it fires, because your eye would be drawn to the gun as it is firing.  If someone is getting out of the car, don’t shoot the door before they get out, shoot it as they are getting out of the car.  People don’t naturally just stare at car doors waiting for someone to come out, you would be drawn to the action.  This can apply to all kinds of scenarios.  If you are filming a concert, you don’t focus the entire time on the singer, your eye is drawn to the drummer, the guitarists fingers strumming, maybe backup dancers, people dancing or cheering in a crowd.  That’s why you would show those kinds of shots when you are shooting it, because that is what people would naturally want to see.  If you use the “imitate the eye” technique, your videos should be more interesting and flow better.  A good example of imitating the eye are shows like Cops.  The cameraman is basically pointing the camera where he wants to look.  That is why it will show a man being arrested, and as that is happening, he might turn around to show a cop holding a dog back behind him.  Then he might turn back to show them putting the criminal in the cop car, then show two cops conversing at the same time.  This idea of “imitating the eye” has taught me better and more interesting ways of shooting video, and wanting to go into the news field, this technique can become very handy.  

Character Project

Cartoons are usually brightly colored like fire

The triangular shape of gru represents the unrealistic shapes of cartoons
Cartoons usually have simple, unrealistic shadows

My character is from a beautiful colorful cartoon world, where he lived with his family.  One day a mysterious portal opened tearing him away from his family.  He was thrown into a dark eerie world in which he did not belong.  He didn’t know what this world was, but he knew he would stop at nothing to find a way back to his home.


Character is strong, someone you dont want to mess with

The cool colors reflect his calm and collected nature.

Finally for lighting I wanted the character
to be depicted under a harsh light with
a very dramatic cast shadow to invoke
a sense of the characters mysterious

He is a quiet and typically reserved person. Realistic for the most part in the way he keeps his emotions to himself. There have been some changes to his world, new inhabitants are running around and threatening his quiet and peaceful life. So now hes decided to start fighting back.